testKeep Your Office Clutter-Free as Employees Return to Work

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic changed the way Americans work. With offices shutting down and going remote, employees started working from home, and office spaces started to look like ghost towns. But as more and more companies are starting a return-to-office initiative, there are some questions about exactly how that will work. Perhaps one of the biggest questions is how to handle employees returning to work without your office space becoming a cluttered, disorganized mess. No one really works all that well in a cluttered work environment, so it’s only natural to want to keep things as coordinated as possible.


But while you do want to keep your office space free of clutter during a transitional period, it can be pretty overwhelming. What are you supposed to do in a post-COVID world when employees are coming back into the office, and you need to deep clean the space—that was likely abandoned with little or no warning—before they arrive? Or make room for new employees? Or just keep things organized while everyone settles in again? Well, it turns out that one of the most convenient solutions just might be to rent a storage unit.

Less Clutter Means Less Stress

Any time you move or deal with an influx of people all coming into a new space at once, there’s going to be clutter. But there doesn’t have to be as much clutter when employees return to work if you rent out a storage unit. And we can almost guarantee your employees will appreciate it. Why? Because less clutter equals less stress.


The more cluttered a workspace is, the more stressed and overwhelmed your employees will be. Having items scattered all over the place can slow down productivity, halt creativity, and make working harder than it should be. So when you get ready to have your employees return to the office, it’s important to have a plan in place so that there won’t be desks, papers, filing cabinets, and chairs all over the place. And setting aside a storage unit to place those extra items in can really help keep things from getting too out of hand.

A Storage Unit can Help Reduce Clutter

It might sound strange to rent out a storage unit while your employees return to work, but it’s actually the best way to reduce clutter around the office. After all, no matter what your business’ situation is, having a clean space to return to can make the transition from working at home to working in an office much easier.


Here’s where we come in. At A-Plus Super Storage, not only do we regularly offer discounts on our self-storage units, but we will loan you a trailer for free to help move your office items into the unit and keep them in a dust- and climate-controlled environment while you get things settled at work. One of the best things you can do to reduce clutter at the office is have things moved into a storage unit while employees are bringing all their own personal belongings back into the workspace. That way, things don’t start to pile up and stress everyone out.


If you want to deep clean your office space before having everyone come back in, then placing everything in a storage unit can help with that as well. Whatever you decide to do in the changeover from remote to in-office work, a storage unit is a great solution to keep things clutter-free.


Having employees come back into the office after such a long time working remotely can be stressful in and of itself. But when you add in the fact that things could get pretty messy pretty quickly, it’s altogether overwhelming. To avoid that and make the transition as seamless as possible, rent out a storage unit with A-Plus Super Storage. We promise it will make things easier, for you and your employees.

testShould You Move to Lubbock?

There are definitely more than a few great cities to live in in the United States. And when you’re looking to move somewhere new, that can make things even more confusing. After all, if you could move anywhere, how are you supposed to narrow it down? Well, if Lubbock, Texas, is on the list of places you might move, then you should certainly move it to your top spot.


While we here at A-Plus Super Storage might be biased since Lubbock is our hometown, we also think anyone who moves to the Hub City will find life here is pretty sweet. Should you move to Lubbock? Well, the short answer is yes! And we can help make your move easier, too. To understand why, and just how awesome of a city Lubbock is, you’ve come to the right place.

Lubbock is Incredibly Affordable

One of the biggest perks of living in Lubbock is that the city is really affordable. While Lubbock is a good-sized city with a population of over 250,000 and plenty of amenities, the cost of living is still pretty low. Living in Lubbock is certainly cheaper than living in other big Texas cities, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t things to do in Lubbock.


Not only is the average cost of a home in Lubbock less than $175,000, but the city is constantly growing and expanding, meaning there are always new homes, stores, and restaurants being built. So, there’s plenty of affordable housing in Lubbock as well as plenty of opportunities to find your perfect house within your perfect budget!

There are Plenty of Employment Opportunities

If you’re worried about finding a place to work in Lubbock, you probably don’t have to. Because Lubbock home to Texas Tech University as well as Lubbock Christian University, there are plenty of jobs to be had at both those institutions of higher education.


Additionally, the job market in Lubbock is constantly expanding. Not only is the unemployment rate in Lubbock lower than the national average, but projected job growth rate is expected to be 39.8%, significantly higher than the national average. Lubbock can offer jobs in so many different industries—from education to marketing, business, agriculture, sales, retail, and food and beverage—that there’s bound to be something for everyone.

There are Plenty of Entertainment Options

Obviously, Lubbock has family-friendly entertainment options like movie theaters, mini golf, go-karts, arcades, great public parks, as well as an amusement park, a water park, and so much more! But for just the adults, there’s, even more, to do on a night out.


From fun bars to breweries, there is no shortage of date-night activities in the 806. But there’s also so much more beyond that! Lubbock’s live music scene is always happening, and there are so many cool music venues to check out. Additionally, if you want something fun to do during the day, you can’t go wrong with a winery tour featuring some of the best wineries in Texas!

The Restaurant Scene is Always Expanding

Perhaps one of the best things about living in Lubbock is that the restaurant scene is seriously impressive. It seems as though there’s always a new great restaurant to eat at in Lubbock, and there really is! Whether you want barbeque, Mexican food, Italian, Chinese, a great burger, or anything else, there’s something in Lubbock just calling your name!


From a nice brunch place to a tasty food truck, Lubbock has plenty of restaurants and eateries to make sure you never go hungry. So, if you’re torn over whether to move to Lubbock, just consider all the money you’ll save on housing and all the amazing new restaurants you’ll be able to try. Honestly, it’s a win-win.

We Have so Many Storage Locations to Help Your Move!

Obviously, deciding to move somewhere new is no small decision, and it shouldn’t be taken lightly. But if you do decide that Lubbock, Texas, is your next home, then we are here to help make your move as seamless as possible. Because moving into a new house or even a new apartment is never all that simple, A-Plus Super Storage has plenty of storage units and options to make things less stressful.


Whether you have to live somewhere temporarily while you wait to move into the house you bought, or you just can’t decide what neighborhood to live in so you’re staying in hotels while you decide, we have plenty of locations that can hold the rest of your belongings while you get settled.


Yes, moving somewhere new is a big decision. We get that! But we also think you can’t go wrong if you decide to move to Lubbock. The city is only growing more and more each year, and with so many amenities, fun things to do, and a low cost of living, what are you waiting for? The Hub City is ready to welcome you with open arms!

test5 Things to Consider Before Moving in With Your SO


It’s no secret that relationships tend to be complicated, no matter how healthy and fulfilling they might be. When a relationship is new, it’s exciting and fun and full of firsts! But as time goes on, more serious considerations arise between you and your partner, and big decisions must be made. For instance, is marriage something you both want? What about kids? Will you move in together eventually? If the answer to that last question is a yes, then it’s easy to get excited for when that day comes.


But there are certain things to consider before moving in with your significant other (SO). While it’s easy to only think of the exciting things that come with taking this next big step in your relationship, it’s important to also be practical and logical, too. Where will you live? Will you need a storage unit during the move? After the move? Are you ready to split the rent or a mortgage? This is a big life decision, and moving in general is a pretty huge milestone. So be sure you’ve thought through everything before getting those matching sets of keys.


1.  How will moving in work financially?

Perhaps the biggest question you need to ask yourself before you move in with your romantic partner is how this decision will impact you both financially. Will you save money? If so, how much? Do you want to save together towards a common goal? If you both want to save as much money as possible, then living together might make sense.


However, you might find that a smart way to save money while living together is to rent a storage unit—even a small one—to help hold your belongings during and after the move. If this is something that makes good financial sense for both of you, then you’re definitely on the right track.

2.  Are your sleeping habits compatible?

If you’ve never lived with someone else, or even if you have, you might still be unprepared for the realities of the situation. Yes, it might seem like all fun and games to just have a never-ending sleepover with your partner, but if you don’t have the same sleep patterns, you could both end up exhausted, over-tired, and grumpy.


If you’re incompatible in the sleep department, then it can wreak havoc on your relationship. So, be sure you know whether one of you is an early riser or a night owl, or who needs an afternoon nap now and then before taking the plunge. That way, you can at least have some idea of what to expect once you’re living together.

3.  What will you have too much of?

Moving in with your significant other is about more than just the relationship side of things. Your relationship will change, but there are also some logistical things you should consider as well. For instance, if you move into your one-bedroom apartment together, you won’t need your partner’s bed, will you? And one of your couches has to go somewhere. Then there’s all the kitchen appliances and gadgets you’ll have doubles of when you move in together.


You can donate or even sell some of the things you’ll have too much of, but if you eventually want to move into a bigger place, you don’t want to have to buy it all again later, do you? Make a list of everything you’ll have too much of so you can start to plan what you want to do with it all once you make the move.

4.  You should rent a storage unit to store what won’t fit for now

If you’ve realized that you and your partner will have a surplus of certain items but don’t want to or aren’t ready to get rid of them for good, then you should consider renting a storage unit in the meantime. Trust us, we think you’ll find that renting with A-Plus Super Storage is well worth the cost. For one low monthly fee, you can ensure that your extra furniture, appliances, and even decor items have a safe home until you and your significant other move somewhere with more room.

5.  What if you break up?

As hard as it might be to imagine, there’s a chance that you and your significant other will break up after moving in together. And living together can make a breakup a lot more complicated because, on top of the tragedy of your relationship ending, you also must deal with the logistics of possibly finding a new place to live and moving out. Fortunately, a storage unit is great in this situation because at least you maintain ownership of all your belongings and can load more in there while you wait for your new lease to start.


Moving in together is a big step for any romantic relationship, but no matter what your situation is, it’s important to consider all the details that living together entails. Think about any incompatibilities you might have, how the finances will work, and whether you’ll need a storage unit to keep all your extra things safe. Then you can feel confident in whatever decision you reach.

testOwning a Storage Shed vs. Renting a Storage Unit


Anyone who has dealt with an abundance of stuff around their house with nowhere to put it knows just how frustrating that particular situation can be. Many people end up purchasing their own storage shed to keep their belongings in, but is that really the best decision? If you’re torn between buying a storage shed for the back yard or renting a storage unit, allow us to help you out. It’s complicated, but at the end of the day, we think you’ll see that a storage unit is a much better choice.


When you truly compare a storage shed against a storage unit, it’s clear that the storage unit is the way to go. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. A storage unit is more secure than a storage shed
    When you purchase a storage shed, you might think it’s a great way to keep some extra garden tools or old baby clothes out of the way while still keeping them safe. And while it can be smart in some ways, you also must think about security. If you’re planning on storing valuable possessions, you obviously want to keep them safe. With a storage shed that’s likely in your own backyard, there’s not much you can do in terms of security other than a lock on the door to the shed and maybe a camera and floodlight.On the other hand, when you rent out a storage unit, there are many extra security measures in place, so you’ll feel more comfortable leaving your belongings there. Not only are the storage units at A-Plus Super Storage protected by a secure-access gate, but with bright lighting, security cameras, and the option to add a padlock to your storage unit, it doesn’t really get any safer.
  2. A shed requires a lot of time and effort from you
    It might seem nice to actually own your storage shed, but that ownership also comes with more responsibility and effort on your behalf. Not only do you have to go out and find a storage shed that will work in your space, but you also must bring it home and assemble it yourself. Or, you can pay to have the shed assembled, but that will cost you some serious dough. Either way, owning a storage shed isn’t exactly simple. On the other hand, renting out a storage unit is easy. All you have to do is complete the simple online rental process, then pull up in front of the unit and unload your belongings. Seriously, it’s that easy. We can even provide a trailer to help move your items at no cost to you. So when you consider renting a storage unit versus buying your own storage shed, just remember that a storage shed is a lot of work.
  3. A storage unit comes with a lot more amenities
    Just like a storage shed is a lot of work to assemble, it doesn’t really come with any amenities. Honestly, the only perk of owning a storage unit is that you can just walk outside to your backyard for access to it. But that doesn’t mean it’s worth all that hassle and cash. Renting out a storage unit, on the other hand, comes with loads of amenities. Most of our A-Plus Super Storage locations have drive-up access to all the units, electronic gate access, 24-hour video surveillance, and even onsite managers to help with any issues you might have. On top of all of that, many of our units are climate-controlled and dust-controlled, so you don’t have to worry about your items getting covered in dust or overheating while they’re in storage. Your basic backyard storage shed won’t protect your belongings from heat, cold, or dust. Basically, you can’t go wrong with a storage unit, and with all the amenities you get by renting one, you’ll forget all about that storage shed idea.
  4. Storage sheds can be more expensive
    It’s easy to assume that it’s a smarter financial decision to own something rather than rent it. But as far as storage sheds versus storage units go, the shed is still a much bigger investment, and it’s typically just not worth it.


A standard 10-ft x 10-ft storage shed you purchase will cost about $1,700. And then you have to install and assemble it yourself, and probably give up a good chunk of space in your backyard. You might even have to take out some trees or a flower bed or two. But, if you rent a 10-ft x 10-ft storage unit with us, rent starts at just $33 per month, or less than $400 per year. Additionally, you can rent out the unit for as long as you need. If you end up not needing the extra space for long, you can simply stop renting. Not only would you be saving money by renting, but it’s just so much easier.


Bottom line: If you purchase a storage shed, you’d have to actively use it for over four years before it becomes cheaper to buy vs. rent a storage unit. It takes up yard space, it’s less secure, and it’s not climate controlled. You have to purchase and assemble it yourself or pay someone to do it.


Meanwhile, if you rent a storage unit, you fill out the online rental agreement, load your stuff up, put it into your climate-controlled unit, and go home, rest assured that your belongings are protected by gates, lighting, and security cameras. And if you don’t need to store those items anymore, you simply stop renting your storage unit.


When you look at all these factors, the decision seems simple. Leave all the hard work to us and rent a storage unit! Trust us, it’s worth it.

test10 Things You Didn’t Know About A-Plus Super Storage

If you’ve ever rented a storage unit, shop, or used the amazing services here at A-Plus Super Storage, then you know just how easy the company makes the process for all their customers. You probably know that we offer a variety of storage units, shops, and other services to help make your life easier, but there’s more to us than that. Yes, the things didn’t know about A-Plus Super Storage might just surprise you because not only have we been around for a long time, but we also have some big plans for the future.

So, if you want to learn more about your favorite local storage facility, you’ve come to the right place. The more you learn about us, the more you’ll trust us with your most prized possessions and business.

1.  A-Plus Super Storage has a long history in Lubbock

We’ve been in business for 26 years and counting. That’s right, if A-Plus was a person, it could vote, drink, and serve its country! We got our start when founder Michael Postar was just 22 years old. He had already started a business decorating houses for Christmas and needed somewhere to store his equipment when he wasn’t using it. So he built his first shop warehouse. At that point in the 1990s, there weren’t a lot of self-storage units in the area, and Lubbock had a need for it. Recognizing the market, Postar built his first upscale storage facility in Lubbock in 1997, and we’ve been going strong ever since.

2.  We have plenty of locations across the Lubbock area

If you’re a Lubbock local or have spent any time driving around the Hub City, then you’ve probably seen more than a few of our locations. And that’s not exactly shocking because there are five A-Plus Super Storage and 10 Affordable Storage (our sister business) storage, shop, and RV locations across Lubbock and even in Wolfforth. Odds are, if you need a storage unit, we can help you out—at a location that’s convenient for you.

3. We have some great advice on starting your own business

A-Plus has come a long way since Michael Postar first started the company 26 years ago. According to Postar, there’s one piece of advice that helped his business take off: “Believe in yourself, don’t be average.” Have confidence in whatever it is you want to achieve and find ways to make yourself stand out from the crowd. That’s exactly what we do here, and we think it’s worked pretty well, if we do say so ourselves. Oh, and if you’re thinking of starting your own business, don’t forget we rent shop units to help achieve all your goals!

4. We offer a variety of storage services to best suit your needs

No matter what location you use to store your collections, keep your things safe while moving, or even if you rent out a shop to launch your own business, we’re confident we can offer exactly what you need. We offer climate-controlled, dust-controlled, and drive-up storage units in addition to our shop warehouses. We also offer enclosed boat and RV storage units. Whatever you need from us, we can help.

5. We have three major keys to our success that might help you too

Here at A-Plus Super Storage, we believe that it takes three important details to be successful:

  1. A great team of employees
  2. Exceptional customer service
  3. A great product

For us, that looks like hiring the most knowledgeable staff, available to answer any questions our customers might have about all the incredible units we offer. It’s just that simple.

6. Customer service is everything to us

One of the biggest perks of choosing A-Plus Super Storage for your storage needs is that we truly pride ourselves on treating all our customers like royalty. That means you get the ultimate VIP treatment when you come into an A-Plus office. From refreshing drinks and snacks just for you at the office to a free trailer to help you move into your unit, there’s nothing we won’t do to make sure you feel comfortable doing business with us.

7. We use technology in new and innovative ways

Just like you, we know and love using social media to connect. So if you don’t follow us on Facebook, you just might want to go ahead and start. After all, we share special deals, activities, and events we host all on our Facebook page. Additionally, we also have giveaways and contests you can win just by following and interacting with our social media, so go ahead and give us a follow.

8. We are always looking to expand

If there’s one thing you can feel sure of with A-Plus Super Storage, it’s that we aren’t going anywhere. Quite the contrary. Owner and founder Michael Postar is constantly looking for land to grow and expand throughout the Lubbock area. So don’t worry, we’ll be here for you for the long run.

9. Frankly, we’re the best

Not to toot our own horn, but the Lubbock community has consistently voted to award A-Plus Super Storage and our sister business, Affordable Storage, the Best of Lubbock award. We’ve won 16 times, and we don’t intend to stop. We have also won the Best Workplace and Best Customer Service awards. We firmly believe that customers deserve a quality, secure, and clean product and that our employees are our family, which means including them in the growth of our company.

10. We’re extremely involved in the local community

As a local Lubbock business, we understand the value of community. Michael Postar is on the board of Communities in School as well as the Make-A-Wish Foundation. He and his staff have also been actively involved with Women’s Protective Services, Children’s Hope, and CASA over the years. We help sponsor and put on many events across the Lubbock area. Look for our smiley face logo at fun runs, cookoffs, donation drives, and even mud volleyball tournaments. And don’t forget to keep an eye out around town for the Lubbock Batman, a sure sign that something both fun and charitable is probably taking place! We care about Lubbock, just like we care about all our customers.

We know you have other options for self-storage in Lubbock, but we truly believe we’re the best in town because we care about our customers and our community. We aim to bring you clean, secure, and quality storage units and shops, and that’s what we’ll always continue to do.

test8 Steps for Packing a Moving Box the Right Way

Whether you’re in the midst of moving, want to safely store some important possessions, or just going through all your belongings to try to organize them, renting a storage unit is the best move. But between packing up everything, loading things in boxes, and then actually moving everything into your storage unit, it can seem like a lot to deal with. Especially because packing boxes is honestly pretty stressful in and of itself. But A-Plus Super Storage is here to help with that.

We know that packing is one of the hardest parts of moving, and no matter how many times you’ve moved or stored things away in boxes over the course of your life, it never really gets any easier. But packing your entire life into cardboard boxes doesn’t have to be super stressful. In fact, we have eight key steps to packing a moving box the right way that will help anyone get things settled safely into their storage unit.

1. Categorize your belongings

Before you even think about packing things up, it’s important to go through your belongings and categorize them to the best of your abilities. You can categorize by room if you’re moving, or by types of items, importance, or even how old they are if you’re simply putting items in a storage unit for safekeeping. And don’t forget to consider donating or selling items you don’t really need or want to help you stay organized. Only storing items you truly want access to later will help you so much in the long run. If you secretly think Great Aunt Edna’s chafing dish is hideous, now is a great time to let someone who loves it as much as she did have it. (We won’t tell!)

2. Earlier than you think is necessary—trust us

This might be the most important thing to keep in mind while packing for a move, and it can make all the difference. Packing will take longer than you think. It just will. You’ll get distracted, you’ll run out of boxes, or you’ll just need a break. So start packing those moving boxes way earlier than you think is necessary, even though it might seem annoying. Think of items you definitely won’t need for the foreseeable future like seasonal and decorative items, books, or even extra kitchenware, and get started with those. This way you won’t be struggling to get everything organized the last few days before your move or deadline.

3. Label your boxes before you fill them

This sounds pretty obvious, but there are a few ways you can label your moving boxes before you start to pack them. You can write on the outside of the box whatever is inside them, or even use color-coordinated tape to differentiate between the content of each box. Either way, be sure you know what’s going in each box before you start packing.

4. Set aside any day-of necessities

Now, if you are moving and using a storage unit to house your items in the meantime, it’s important you don’t pack away anything you might need the day or week of the move. So set aside items like toiletries, a change of clothes, a phone charger, and the like to be sure you aren’t left without something super important.

5. Pack heavy items at the bottom of the boxes

When it comes to actually putting items into your moving boxes, start with the heaviest item first, placing it on the bottom of the box. This will make lifting and moving it a lot easier. Additionally, use towels or other packing materials to fill in empty spaces in your box so things don’t shift too much during the moving process.

6. Fragile items will require more time and materials

Whether you’re moving or putting valuables into a storage unit, we recommend taking extra care with any fragile items you might have. Whether that’s plates and bowls or an expensive heirloom passed down through generations, don’t be afraid to use as much bubble wrap, packaging paper, and even extra towels as necessary to protect them from breaking.

7. Take inventory if you want to be super organized while moving

While it’s not always necessary to take inventory when packing boxes, it can be helpful when you’re ready to unpack. If you plan to have your items in storage for a while, you might want to take note of everything you’ve packed away in each box, just to stay on top of things. You can number the boxes, then keep a running inventory list of what’s inside box 1, 2, 3, and so on. Then when you inevitably need something, you can check each box’s inventory list before you go unsealing and digging through them all. And when it comes time to unpack them, you know exactly what you’re about to unpack and which room it belongs in.

8.  Tape your boxes securely

Last but certainly not least, make sure your moving boxes are taped securely before you load them up. Use packing tape for the best results, double-check that your boxes are labeled, and then you can relax knowing your boxes are packed correctly and ready to move into your storage unit. Once you get them to the storage facility, our tips on packing your unit might come in handy, too!

Packing up your belongings can be stressful. It’s a lot of work and a lot to think about. But by following these simple steps, you can get the job done right and make your life a lot easier when you need to find something that’s put away in your storage unit and when it comes to time to unpack the items for use in their its new home.

testThe Infinite Uses for Storage

The Infinite Uses for Storage

Holiday Storage

  • Gift wrapping and everything that comes along with it. How many times have you looked for a convenient place to store all the wrapping paper, tissue paper, ribbon, gift bags, cards, and other wrapping supplies so they’re not constantly in the way?
  • A place to wrap gifts. We know how tricky it can be to find a place to sneak away and get your gift wrapping done when you have a family and curious little ones running around. Now you can plan ahead and know that you can come do your gift wrapping in a safe, quiet place where Santa’s secrets won’t be discovered—and the family gift wrapper can find some holiday peace! Be sure to check out our annual specials that run from December 1 through Christmas Day for this exact purpose! 
  • Assembling gifts. Santa can’t very well assemble Johnny’s and Susie’s’ Christmas bikes in the garage, can he? But he can probably find a couple of hours to slip off to A-Plus Storage to build them. And if Santa gets the assembly done a little early for once, his storage unit now becomes a secure place to store (and all the other gifts) them away from prying eyes until Christmas Eve. Of course, you can use your storage unit to assemble birthday doll houses or other toys, too.
  • Holiday décor. Everyone loves to decorate for holidays, but the decorations go up for a few weeks, and then what do you do with them? Whether it’s spooky Halloween decorations, gorgeous fall/Thanksgiving decorations, Easter eggs and baskets, or all of those Christmas decorations, a storage unit is the perfect place to keep it all together without your decorations being ruined by changing temperatures as often happens with attic storage. (Plus they’re a lot easier to get to without climbing those darn attic ladders!) Use our Packing and Storage Tips to help you organize it all, and when it’s time to put up those holiday decorations, you can just go in and say, “Christmas tree? Check. Ornaments? Check. Lights? Check. Stockings and mantle garland? Check.” It’s all right there, ready for your gorgeous holiday display!
  • Package delivery. Don’t let those online orders get stolen off your front porch while you’re at work! When you rent a storage unit from A-Plus Super Storage, you can ship your packages directly to our facility, and the onsite manager will sign for them and let you know when they’ve arrived. Then you can pick them up during office hours, knowing they’re secure until you get there. We offer this service year-round for al our customers, so take advantage any time!

College Storage

When the semester’s over and you must move out of the dorm room, who wants to drag everything back to Mom and Dad’s house? Stash your stuff in a storage unit near your university, then take just the essentials home with you for Christmas or summer break.

Bulk Shopping

When your nearby wholesale club is running some great specials, feel free to stock up on toilet paper, canned goods, paper towels, and laundry detergent. A storage unit gives you plenty of space to store your backstock. Now you’ll always be prepared and save yourself time and money without filling up every square inch of space in your home.

Seasonal Gear

Sometimes our activities change with the seasons, and we need a space to store out-of-season gear until next year. Tuck away these items in a storage facility so they’re all ready for you next season:

  • Beach toys, canopies, chairs, and umbrellas
  • Tents and camping gear
  • Scuba diving equipment
  • Fishing rods, reels, and tackle
  • Skis, sleds, and snowboards (along with all the bulky clothing that go with these sports)
  • Jet skis, tubes, and life jackets
  • Other sporting equipment: kayaks, canoes, hang gliders, parachuting gear—whatever your extreme (or not-so-extreme) sport is, securely store the equipment out of the way when you’re not using it.
  • Lawn equipment—From lawnmowers to weedeaters, edgers, and gardening supplies, free up garage space during winter months when you’re only using them every few weeks or so.
  • Patio furniture—Move your picnic table, lawn chairs, glider, grill, and hammock indoors and out of the elements for the winter season so they stay nice for next spring and summer.


Extra Furniture

You just found the perfect new sofa, but Sally’s going off to college in two years, and your old sofa would work great for her college apartment. Now what? Put it in storage, of course! While you’re at it, put that spare mattress, extra dresser, and old (but still serviceable) dish set in there, too. When the time comes, you’ll be surprised how ready you are to create the college space of her dreams—on a budget!

Garage Sale Items

Garage sales are a great way to clear clutter from your house and earn a little extra cash. But running around at the last second gathering sale items and pricing everything is a huge hassle! Instead, rent a storage unit and as you find items you’d like to sell in your next garage sale, determine a price, mark it, and move the items to your storage facility. When the time comes to hold that garage sale, everything is already sorted, labeled, and ready to sell! Just pick it all up from your storage unit, arrange it on the driveway, and have yourself a successful garage sale.


The options for what you can do with a storage unit are truly limitless. Everyone could probably benefit from renting even the smallest storage unit for a time. Freeing up space and decluttering the home is one of life’s greatest simple joys. What will you do with the extra space you just freed up in your home, garage, or workspace?

Business supplies

  • Tradeshow supplies. When tradeshow season is over, put that tradeshow booth, banners, tables, and swag all in one secure, convenient place. Next year, you won’t have to be running around the office pulling out every drawer and file cabinet trying to remember where you stored all your supplies. Just drive up to your business storage facility, load up the tradeshow boxes, and head off to make your next sale!
  • Subscription box fulfillment. Subscription box companies are all the rage these days. Start your own, and use a storage unit to house your supplies and fill your orders.
  • Whatever non-perishable items your business needs to keep on hand, a storage unit makes a great place to organize and house it all.
  • Work trailer. At the end of the workday, drop off your trailer at a storage unit near home and free up precious space in the driveway.

Big Boy Toys

When you like to envision yourself in the cast of The Fast and the Furious, free up garage space and store your favorite:

  • Classic muscle car
  • Motorcycle
  • Bicycles
  • Gear and tools associated with all these fun grown-up toy


Personal Space

We all need time to ourselves, and whether you have a family or live with roommates, sometimes you just need to get away for a minute. Set up a storage space for some “me time” as a:

  • Meditation room
  • Personal yoga studio
  • “Home-away-from-home” gym—It costs less than a gym membership, and you don’t have to stare at that treadmill covered in unfolded clothes before you go to bed at night!
  • Cozy reading nook
  • Writing/journaling space—Write the great American novel or just tell your diary all your deepest thoughts without interruption.
  • Art studio


Party and Event Equipment

Whether you’re the hostess with the mostess, the head of the PTA, or own an event planning company, party people collect a lot of supplies. Use a storage unit to keep them nice and have them at-the-ready the next time the urge to throw a shindig strikes. A-Plus Super Storage is the perfect place to store:

  • Tables
  • Chairs
  • Tablecloths
  • Serving dishes
  • Punch bowls
  • Party decorations

Specialty Tools

Whether you’re a hobbyist or a tradesman, sometimes tools just take up a lot of space. You can safely store your:

  • Chainsaw
  • Router
  • Table saw
  • Lumber that you paid a premium for!
  • Wet saw and tiles
  • Art supplies—cans of paint and large canvases, for example
  • Bags of cement and brick-laying equipment
  • Whatever else you might want out of your garage

Survival Gear

Whether you’re a prepper or just like to be prepared for anything, you can store your bug-out bag and associated gear in a storage unit close to home and be prepared to grab-and-go whenever the need might arise, from a zombie apocalypse to a quick weekend off-the-gride getaway.

Grounded Electronics

You can’t take the kids away from their electronics, but you can take the electronics away from the kids! When the iPad, cell phone, and Xbox are in time-out, ensure sneaky kiddos can’t find them in the house by safely putting them in storage until privileges are earned again.

DIY Projects

We all know someone who spots a broken-down dresser on the neighbor’s curb and sees only the glory it could become with just a little elbow grease. When those pieces have collected faster than the time available to put in the elbow grease, rent a storage unit to keep them in until you’re ready to knock out some fun DIY projects one weekend.

Pet Supplies

Unused puppy kennels, aquariums, doghouses, litterboxes, chicken coops, pens, and more. We all know you’re going to get another pet eventually. Why re-buy it all when you can store the perfectly good equipment until the next time you need it?

Baby Supplies

Similarly (though certainly not the same!), if you plan to have another baby someday (but not now!), store the crib, mattress, stroller, car seat, baby carrier, pack-and-play, toys, books, clothes, and myriad other baby/young child gear for next time.

testWhich Storage Unit is Best?

When trying to determine which size of storage unit is the best fit for you and your personal storage needs, it can often feel like a tough decision. How on earth do you figure out what size unit best fits all your stuff? A-Plus Super Storage has worked to make this process as stress-free and easy as possible. We offer four storage unit size categories: small, medium, large, and vehicle/boat. Each of these storage unit sizes are available at every A-Plus Super Storage facility in Lubbock, Texas.

Here’s a simple breakdown to hopefully answer any questions you might have and provide you with some clarity.

A Plus Super Storage offers drive-up, dust-controlled, and climate-controlled unit sizes of 5X5

5×5 Storage Unit

This unit is 25 square feet and is quite small. It is perfect if you’re looking for a storage option that would be comparable to storing in a coat closet in your house. This size can hold about 10 boxes, one piece of furniture that is a bit narrower, such as a bookshelf or a dresser, any holiday décor you have, and dorm room items that are on the smaller side.

A Plus Super Storage offers drive-up, dust-controlled, and climate-controlled unit sizes of unit sizes 5X10

5×10 Storage Unit

If you’d like to store even more items, such as for a business, be sure to check out our shop, storefront, and shop warehouse options. Furthermore, we love getting to connect with our amazing customers, so please do not hesitate to get in touch with a storage expert at any A-Plus Super Storage in Lubbock with any questions you might still have.

A Plus Super Storage offers drive-up, dust-controlled, and climate-controlled unit sizes of unit sizes 8X10

8×10 Storage Unit


This unit is 80 square feet, which is about the same size as a small bedroom. This storage unit is perfect for those of you looking to store a small bedroom’s worth of furniture: a bed, a dresser, a desk, and a nightstand. It could hold a few additional boxes as well. This is one of our most popular storage unit sizes.

A Plus Super Storage offers drive-up, dust-controlled, and climate-controlled unit sizes of unit sizes 10X10

10×10 Storage Unit


At 100 square feet, this particular unit is equal to half of a single-car garage. This storage unit size is also among our most popular. You can store roughly one of the following options: an entire living room furniture set, two small bedroom furniture suits, or the contents of a workshop.

A Plus Super Storage offers drive-up, dust-controlled, and climate-controlled unit sizes of unit sizes 10X15

10×15 Storage Unit


At 150 square feet, this unit is quite a step up from the 10×10 unit in terms of what it can hold. Furthermore, it is one of the most sought-after storage unit sizes A-Plus Super Storage in Lubbock offers. The 150-square-foot unit is perfect if you’d like to store an entire living room furniture set, the contents of three bedrooms, or the contents of a workshop.

A Plus Super Storage offers drive-up, dust-controlled, and climate-controlled unit sizes of unit sizes 10X20

10×20 Storage Unit


This unit is the size of a single-car garage. At 200 square feet, this storage unit can hold the contents that would be found in a two- or three-bedroom house. This is perfect because it includes larger items such as a sofa, large televisions, bed frames, mattresses, a dining room set, a washer and dryer, and a refrigerator.

A Plus Super Storage offers drive-up, dust-controlled, and climate-controlled unit sizes of unit sizes 10X25

10×25 Storage Unit


This storage unit is 250 square feet and is ideal if you are searching for a storage unit that can hold the items of a four-bedroom house. This unit can hold larger items such as a sofa, an entertainment center, bed frames and mattresses, a dining room set, a washer and dryer, and a refrigerator.

A Plus Super Storage offers drive-up, dust-controlled, and climate-controlled unit sizes of unit sizes 10X30

10×30 Storage Unit


At 300 square feet, this storage unit is also an excellent choice for people looking to store multiple larger items. This size holds items from a four- to five-bedroom house, including items such as a sofa, large televisions, bed frames and mattresses, a dining room set, a washer and dryer, and a truck.

A Plus Super Storage offers unit sizes of 20X20

20×20 Storage Unit


At 300 square feet, this storage unit is also an excellent choice for people looking to store multiple larger items. This size holds items from a four- to five-bedroom house, including items such as a sofa, large televisions, bed frames and mattresses, a dining room set, a washer and dryer, and a truck.

If you’d like to store even more items, such as for a business, be sure to check out our shop, storefront, and shop warehouse options. Furthermore, we love getting to connect with our amazing customers, so please do not hesitate to get in touch with a storage expert at any A-Plus Super Storage in Lubbock with any questions you might still have.

testStorage Units, Shops, and Storefronts: What’s the Difference?


When you rent with A-Plus Super Storage in Lubbock, Texas, you can choose between renting a storage unit, a storefront, small or large warehouses, or a pull-through shop. We know this can all sound a bit confusing, and it might be difficult to identify what exactly the differences are so you can know which best suits your needs. Allow us to illuminate the matter so that you know what you want and need when you choose to rent with A-Plus Super Storage.


Storage Units

Storage units are, quite simply, single enclosed spaces available for rent to stow away items. Whether it’s furniture you’re not currently using, seasonal equipment like skis or kayaks, or that overflowing stock of business inventory, a storage unit is often a perfect and simple solution to a myriad of scenarios. A-Plus Super Storage offers five locations to ensure your convenience, with over 20 different storage unit size options, all of which are protected by 24-hour video surveillance, so you never have to worry about the safety of your belongings. No matter what you need to store, we are here to cover the storage needs of Lubbock and surrounding areas.



A-Plus Super Storage also offers commercial storefronts and retail shops for rent. These storefronts are incredibly appealing since they are much cheaper than commercial real estate, yet you still get all the same comforts and amenities. When you rent an A-Plus Super Storage storefront, your commercial storefront has private restrooms for optimal convenience and glass front doors, ensuring great visibility for everyone, whether they’re working or visiting. We would love to help you take your business to the next level with your very own storefront in one of our A-Plus Super Storage locations. They are an excellent option for young entrepreneurs trying to bring their ideas to life and the most experienced business owners alike.



A-Plus Super Storage is proud to offer shops for rent at three different locations in the Hub City for optimal accessibility. These shops are the perfect step to help your small business grow! Our shops range from 625 square feet to 1,800 square feet. You can choose to rent space with or without restrooms, depending on your needs. Each shop has walk-in doors to make visiting your shop location easy for everyone. Moreover, all A-Plus Super Storage shops feature 14-foot overhead doors for ease of loading and unloading supplies as well as concrete driveways so that parking is a smooth, stress-free process. We also provide both 110V and 220V plugs and 24-hour surveillance.


Shop rentals are perfect for everyone from landscapers to electricians to plumbers for storing equipment and inventory. They also work perfectly for businesses that need to maintain a stock of dry goods or other inventory or need a safe place to park their company vehicles or trailers overnight. They’re also perfect for hobbyists looking to turn a little profit from their favorite pastime.


Shop Warehouses

A-Plus Shop Rentals at our Valencia location are large-plan buildings (available in 1,200- or 1,500-square-foot spaces) that you can customize to suit your own business needs. If you’re running a repair shop, need extra storage for your business supplies, or are looking for a warehouse to rent, we’ve got you covered in our large shop rental complex in southwest Lubbock.


Let Us Help

We completely understand that taking the next steps in your business ventures can feel a bit scary, which is exactly why A-Plus Super Storage offers such unique, diverse options for storage units, shops, storefronts, and shop warehouses. Rather than feeling nervous and weighed down by the selection process, we want to help make it exciting and inspiring. No matter where you’re at in your business journey, we can help.

If you are interested in learning more about the various storage units, shops, storefronts, and warehouses, or have pricing questions, please reach out. One of our representatives or managers would be thrilled to team up and help you make the best and most convenient decision for your personal and professional needs. We have helped countless business owners figure out the best selection for them as they continue to grow and expand. We want to help you thrive!

testA-Plus Super Storage Presenting Sponsor for Communities in Schools Volleyball Tournament June 5, 2021

Lubbock, Texas (May 27, 2021) – Michael Postar’s A-Plus Super Storage, a West Texas storage company and community supporter, is the Presenting Sponsor for the Communities In Schools (CIS) 13th annual Peace Love Mud Volleyball Tournament in June. The tournament is an annual fundraising event that is open to the public. Teams of 8 will compete June 5th starting at 7:00 a.m. and have some muddy fun in the sun while raising funds to help CIS combat student dropout rates. You can find out more details about the event and register your team by viewing the tournament registration information at http://www.cissouthplains.org/mud-volleyball.

The mission of CIS is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. The objective is to prevent kids from dropping out of school by giving them the tools they need to be successful. These tools include evidence-based programs and services that address the academic, non-academic, cognitive, and social, and emotional factors that directly impact students’ ability to persist and be successful not only in school but throughout their lives. CIS serves more than 82 campuses in the Lubbock Independent School District (LISD), the greater Lubbock area (Frenship, Lubbock-Cooper, Slaton, Shallowater ISD), and throughout the South Plains (including districts as far away as Dimmitt and Plainview). A-Plus Super Storage believes in the CIS mission and is a steadfast supporter of CIS.

“Serving on the board for CIS and being a part of events like this works towards one singular goal of helping students stay in school and achieve their dreams. This organization makes that possible.” said Michael Postar, Owner of A-Plus Super Storage.


June 5, 2021 7:00am

Peace Love Mud Volleyball Tournament

Location: A-Plus Super Storage

2614 FM (130th and University), Lubbock, TX 79423

About A-Plus Super Storage

A-Plus Super Storage, in Lubbock, TX, has been locally owned and operated for over 20 years with secure storage units, RV & boat units, and shop warehouses at 5 Lubbock locations. You can now rent a storage unit online, over the phone, or curbside at any of our locations. Affordable Storage has won the Lubbock AJ’s Best of Lubbock Self-Storage award in 2020, and KCBD’s Best of the West in 2020.

For more information on how we serve the community, visit our community connections page and follow us on Facebook @aplussuperstorage