testA-Plus Super Storage Offers Veterans Day Discount

If there’s one thing Americans love almost more than anything, it’s freedom—and for good reason. Here in the United States, we are extremely lucky to have all the freedoms that we do, and there’s no denying the fact that we owe so much of that freedom to our men and women in uniform. Veterans and active military personnel are important for so many reasons, and truly deserve to be taken care of.   Here at A-Plus Super Storage, we feel strongly that the veterans in our community should get the utmost respect, and anything we can do to help them out, we will. That’s why we want to give an extra special discount to our Lubbock veterans. So, if you’re a veteran or active military personnel in need of a storage unit, stop by any of our 5 Lubbock locations during the month of November to get your first month free. Because when you serve your country, you deserve to receive excellent service and a great deal, and this is the least we can do.

Veterans Day is an Important Day in America

It’s no secret that Americans owe so much to veterans and anyone currently in the armed forces. But they haven’t always been appreciated for their valor. In fact, the history of Veteran’s Day is pretty interesting and goes back quite a while. In 1919, President Wilson declared that November 11th—the day when an armistice between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect—would be celebrated as Armistice Day.   However, because Armistice Day was in remembrance of World War I and the day was regarded as the end of “the war to end all wars,” another commemoration was necessary following World War II. So on June 1, 1954, legislation was approved to make November 11th become a day to honor all veterans, not just those who fought in WWI. On October 8th of that year, President Eisenhower officially issued the first “Veterans Day Proclamation.” Veterans Day is a huge part of American history, and there’s a reason why: veterans chose to put their lives on the line for their country, and if that doesn’t merit a national holiday, what does?

A-Plus Super Storage Appreciates our Veterans

Clearly, Veterans Day is a big deal—for many reasons. And here at A-Plus Super Storage, we want to ensure that all our local veterans and anyone actively involved in the military feel appreciated. So, not only can veterans and military service members take advantage of our everyday discounts on storage units, but we’re also offering something even bigger during the month of November for these special members of our communities. For Veteran’s Day, veterans and active military personnel can get their first month of storage at A-Plus Super Storage absolutely free when you sign up during November. Yes, free.   Veteran’s Day is an important day in American history, and we just want to make sure all the veterans and military personnel in the Lubbock area feel as appreciated as they truly are.

testStudent Storage Checklist: If It Doesn’t Have These Amenities, It Isn’t Worth It

student storage

When you’re a college student, you tend to have a lot of different things on your mind at any given time. From class schedules to what to major into even bigger questions like what to do with the rest of your life, college already tends to be a pretty stressful time for most students. So when it comes time to pack up your belongings, you definitely don’t want to worry about what you’re going to do with your items while you’re home or traveling or working for the summer months.


Obviously, a storage unit seems like the obvious answer, but is there a storage unit solution specifically made for students? When you only need a few months of storage time, you don’t want to pay for a whole year. That’s where A-Plus Super Storage comes in because we have the perfect storage solution for students. That said, to make things easier, you want to have a student storage checklist of sorts, and if your storage facility doesn’t have these amenities, then it isn’t worth it.

You Need Different Size Options

First of all, when you’re a college student, it tends to take a year or so to really accumulate a ton of belongings that you don’t need to take home with you over summer break. When you’re a freshman in a dorm room, you really don’t have that much stuff that won’t go home with you. Sure, you might want to keep your winter clothes, dorm bedding and decor, and other items you won’t need for the summer in a storage unit, but you definitely don’t need a huge unit for all that.


On the other hand, as the years go by, and you move into an apartment or rental house instead of a dorm room, you’ll start to acquire a lot more stuff and need a place to put it all for the summer instead of transporting it home and back (because that’s just a huge hassle). Fortunately, A-Plus Super Storage has plenty of different storage units in a range of sizes to best suit your needs each year. Whether you’re just storing a few boxes of clothes or a couch and mattress, we have the perfect unit for you.


Your Belongings Need to be Stored in a Safe, Convenient Space

Another important amenity to take into consideration when looking for student storage is security and location. It’s definitely easier to choose a storage facility that’s closer to your college campus so you don’t have to drive all over town when moving out and then back in. A-Plus Super Storage not only offers great discounts on storage units for students, but we also have three convenient locations close to Texas Tech University and Lubbock Christian University to choose from. So when it comes to convenience, you can definitely check that off your list.


Additionally, you want your items to be safe while you’re far from them at home or traveling for the summer, and you can rest assured they will be with us. Our storage locations have a secure gate to enter the facility, 20+ security cameras, well-lit driveways, and 10’-high security fences to keep your belongings secure. Additionally, most units are climate and dust-controlled, meaning you don’t have to worry about your belongings at all while you’re out of town.

You Might Need Help Moving Your Stuff

Finally, as a college student, it can be hard to organize help while packing your stuff away for winter or summer break. You might not be able to rely on friends, who are busy moving their own stuff, or family, who might live far away, to help you move your belongings into storage That’s nothing to stress about, though, because we’ve got you covered.


Not only can we provide you with packing supplies to get all your items ready for storage, but we have a trailer you can use for free to move all your stuff into your storage unit! Yes, you read that correctly. You don’t have to borrow a friend’s truck or pay to use a moving truck when you rent a unit from us. We’ve got a trailer just for you so that’s one less thing you need to worry about.


You already have enough to worry about in college. Where to store your items for winter or summer break shouldn’t be one of them. And with A-Plus Super Storage, it doesn’t have to be.

testHow To Winterize Your Pool and Accessories

Pool Equipment Storage

There’s nothing quite like having your own pool in your own backyard. Whether it’s an above-ground pool or an in-ground pool, large or small, with a hot tub or not, a pool is almost necessary when you live in Texas. Because the weather gets so hot for the majority of the year, you can get a lot of use out of a pool, especially in Lubbock. However, once winter rolls around, your pool requires a new kind of attention.


When the temperature starts to drop, and you and your family no longer take regular dips in the pool, it’s probably time to think about winterizing your pool and accessories. If you’re new to owning a pool, or even if you’re a seasoned pool owner, this process might seem a little overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! If you want to properly winterize your pool for the cooler months, it does require some hard work. Fortunately, one thing you don’t have to worry about is where to store your pool accessories and equipment. That’s where we come in.

Clean the Pool and Adjust the Water Chemistry

The first thing you need to do when you get ready to winterize your pool is to give it a good cleaning. This shouldn’t be too hard for most pool owners, as regular pool maintenance requires a good cleaning anyway. Use your vacuum to clean the bottom of the pool, and a skimmer to remove any debris in the pool as well.


Then things get a little more complicated. Before you close up your pool for the winter, you want to make sure the water chemistry is balanced. You should be sure the alkalinity of your pool water is somewhere in the range of 80 and 150 parts per million, that the calcium hardness is between 175 and 225 parts per million, the pH is between 7.2 and 7.6, and last but certainly not least, that the chlorine level is between just 1 and 3 parts per million. Once everything is in the correct range, you can move on to the next step, but test it again before closing the pool for good, as these levels might have changed.

Shock Your Pool & Drain or Lower the Water Level

After your pool is all balanced, the next step is to shock it. When you shock your pool, you’re basically delivering a ton of chemicals into your pool water to kill any remaining bacteria and other unsightly debris. After you shock your pool, you can then lower the water level to ensure that the water doesn’t freeze and expand during the winter. This step isn’t always necessary, but if you want to be extra sure that your pool will be ready to go for summer, lowering the water level is a good idea.

Cover Your Pool & Store Your Equipment

Finally, once your pool is cleaned, vacuumed, shocked, and lowered, you can get ready to cover it for the winter season. If you already have a cover for your pool, then you’re all set! If not, you’ll need to pick out a pool cover that fits properly.


Obviously, you need to remove any equipment and accessories before you put the cover on. Once your cover is on and secure and your pool is ready to face the winter weather, you can grab all your pool accessories and equipment and put them in a storage unit for the winter months. A-Plus Super Storage has a large variety of storage unit sizes to choose from, so you know you’re getting exactly what you need for exactly as long as you need it. What’s more, we also regularly offer discounts for our storage units, so you get to save some money, too!


It’s crucial to winterize your pool once the weather cools down. Even though the process might seem overwhelming at first, it’s an important part of pool ownership. After all, pools are expensive, so you want to do your best to maintain them. Never fear, though—A-Plus Super Storage is here to ensure your accessories and equipment stay in tip-top shape—and out of your way—until you’re ready to open the pool back up next season.

testAll The Way to Seoul: A-Plus Super Storage Sponsors Shannon King at Mrs. USA Universe LTD Pageant

Shannon King at Mrs. USA Universe LTD Pageant

Anyone who has ever lived in or been to Lubbock, Texas knows that it’s no ordinary city. Lubbock is full of interesting, creative, wonderful people and small businesses, and A-Plus Super Storage is proud to be included in that rank. And now local Lubbock entrepreneur Shannon King is headed to Seoul, South Korea to compete in the Transcontinental™ Pageants Mrs. USA Universe LTD® pageant., and we get to sponsor her!

While you might think that A-Plus Super Storage is just a storage facility—one that offers great discounts on storage, sure, but still a storage facility—we are so much more than that. Community is in our blood. So it’s no surprise that sponsoring someone as powerful and formidable as Shannon King is not something we take lightly! Read on to learn more about Shannon and her incredible journey to Seoul!

Shannon King is an Inspiration to Women Everywhere

Shannon King is a powerful force in the Lubbock community. As a commercial REALTOR® for Westmark Commercial across the West Texas area, Shannon is well acquainted with the Lubbock area. But that’s not the only way she’s involved in the community. Shannon is also a powerful entrepreneur who has made it her goal to inspire women everywhere.

Shannon launched A King Sized Life podcast and blog to empower women to be their best selves. Shannon usually ends her podcast with a powerful call to action for her listeners to “get off the sidelines and make the most out of this life because you’ve only got one life to live.” While we here at A-Plus Super Storage are pretty proud of what we do for the Lubbock community, we couldn’t be prouder of Shannon and all she’s done for the women of the South Plains.

Shannon has Come Far in Her Personal and Professional Journey

If you think you know Shannon King, you’d be wrong. Shannon is a wife, mother, and Realtor, and that’s just the start. With A King Sized Life, Shannon has created an entire community of women who lift each other up and push each other to work hard and achieve all that they can in life. More than that, Shannon has made it her mission to advocate against domestic violence, something she’s able to do on her podcast, blog, and on the Mrs. USA Universe LTD stage.

Shannon isn’t afraid to speak out against domestic violence, and on her A King Sized Life podcast, she takes it head-on. By interviewing survivors of abuse and learning about how they’ve used their platforms to encourage change, Shannon has brought awareness to an important issue. As she heads towards an international stage, she can continue to do so at the Mrs. USA Universe LTD pageant with her platform, The Pledge Campaign Against Domestic Violence and Abuse.

A-Plus Super Storage Can’t Wait to See Shannon on the Mrs. USA Universe LTD Stage

Clearly, Shannon King has accomplished so much in her career and her journey towards Mrs. USA Universe LTD. A-Plus Super Storage can’t wait to watch her stun the crowd in Seoul on November 26 at the pageant because there’s no one more deserving. Be sure to follow her journey to Seoul on her Instagram, @justshannonking.

testMultigenerational Living is on the Rise: Best Practices to Keep Your Sanity

Freelancers are Traveling More


It’s no secret that being an adult in today’s economy is expensive. The cost of living is on the rise pretty much everywhere, the job market is intense and scary, and so is the housing market. Enter: multigenerational living. There are many reasons more and more people are living in multigenerational households. In case you didn’t know, a multigenerational household is one in which more than one generation of the same family lives under one roof. Typically, this would look like a young married couple living with one set of their parents to save some cash before getting their own place. But there are many variations of multigenerational living, and many reasons why people do it.


The simple fact of the matter is that multigenerational living is on the rise. And if you’re someone who lives in a multigenerational household or who plans on it, then you might want to know some tips on how to make the situation work for you and not stress you out too much. Because let’s be honest, living with family members can be some people’s worst-case scenario, even if it will save money in the long run. So, here are some best practices to keep your sanity around your family.

Have Your Own Dedicated Space

If you’re living in a multigenerational household, then there are likely more people in your home than you’re used to. It can be a bit crowded, and even if you enjoy spending time with your family and whoever it is that you’re living with, that doesn’t mean you won’t want your own space at some point during your living arrangement.


So to survive this multigenerational living situation, it might be best to have your own dedicated space. Whether that’s your bedroom, an office area, outdoor area, or even a basement or bonus room you can escape to, it’s crucial to keep your sanity in check by having a space that’s just yours. That way, when things get too stressful or loud, you have somewhere to go for some privacy.

Have an End Goal in Mind

When your living situation isn’t your ideal living situation, it can be hard to stick it out and not get too stressed out by it. And while multigenerational living might be perfect for some people, if it’s not your dream scenario but rather is necessary for the time being, then remember to always keep your end goal in mind.


Whether that’s to save money for your own place, to help take care of a loved one while they’re sick or need your assistance, or just to think and plan out where you eventually want to live, it will help you to write out your goals and keep them somewhere you can see them every day. Keep your eye on the prize, as they say.

Keep Communication Open

As is the case with any living situation, it’s crucial for you to keep open communication lines between yourself and your roommates, even if your roommates happen to be your parents or grandparents or aunt or cousins—or adult children. Make sure you can talk to each other about any situations that might arise when you live together, who will take care of what chores, and what you all expect of one another.

Make Sure Your Belongings are Taken Care Of

When you live in a multigenerational household, the space might be a little tight. After all, if you live with your parents or your spouse’s parents, there could be four (or more) adults all living under one roof, and you might not have room for all of your belongings. Furthermore, you might have duplicates of many household items from toasters to TVs to couches.


So, if you have boxes of clothes that won’t fit in your temporary closet, or excess furniture and appliances that won’t fit anywhere, you’ll want to rent out a storage unit. This is still a great way to save money because A-Plus Super Storage offers plenty of discounts on self-storage units. You can choose the size unit you want and need—and even how long you’ll need to put your stuff there—and trust that your items are safe with us. Multigenerational living doesn’t mean you have to sell or get rid of all your things. Just be smart and plan ahead!


There are plenty of perks to multigenerational living, so if you’re considering it or are already in the trenches, know that you’re doing what’s best for you and your family. And while it can be stressful and hard, it can be beautiful and educational, too. And there are ways to cope and make the best of the situation, so try to remember that!

testFreelancers are Traveling More Now that COVID Restrictions are Lifted in Many Areas

Freelancers are Traveling More


If you’ve ever dreamed of being able to travel all over the world while still making money and being your own boss, then freelancing might be the right fit for you. If you’ve never thought about freelancing, for whatever reason, that’s perfectly understandable. It can be daunting, trying to create your own business, make your own hours, and find your own clients. But once you get started, you’ll find such a large sense of freedom that it will all be worth it.


More than that, many freelancers today can work from anywhere that they can access the internet, meaning they could be working from a coffee shop in Paris if they wanted to! The thing is, freelancers are traveling more, now that COVID restrictions are lifted in many areas. But just how are freelancers making this all work, even with fewer travel restraints in place? Where are they storing all their belongings? How are they affording to travel so much? Well, the secret to their adventures is a lot simpler than you think, and we’re here to help explain it.

Freelancing Allows for More Freedom

Okay, so you’ve heard that freelancers can travel more, but just how is that possible? Seriously, what’s so freeing about freelancing? Well, when you freelance, you choose how much you want to work, where you want to work, and how often you work. So if you’re a parent with kids, you can schedule your business around taking care of them. Or if you’re in college, you can work while not in class. Whatever the case, freelancing puts you in charge of your work schedule and allows you to make your own rules, in a sense.


Freelancing truly allows for more freedom, including financial freedom. Yes, once you get into the swing of it, freelancing can be pretty lucrative. Because of that and the fact that you can work from anywhere, travel becomes more of a possibility when freelancing.

COVID Restrictions are Lifted, Allowing for More Travel

In the United States as well as other countries, COVID travel restrictions are being lifted, meaning that people can travel a lot more freely now. And that means freelancers can once again work from wherever they want to. While many countries do require a negative COVID test or proof of vaccination to enter, this still allows freelancers to pack up their suitcase, rent out an Airbnb, and go work and live in another country for a few weeks, or even a few months or longer.


Now that COVID travel restrictions are being lifted, the only thing standing between you and traveling across Europe is a game plan. If you have a steady freelance career, you can plan your trip knowing that you can work anywhere that there’s Wi-Fi, and it’s easier than it sounds!

Here’s How to Travel While Freelancing

So, you’re a freelancer (or on the verge of becoming one after reading this blog) and are ready to head out to explore while still bringing in a paycheck. Well, the first thing you must do is decide where you want to travel to. Do you want to stay in the United States? Go abroad? Then you’ll have to decide how long you want to travel. As long as you’re budgeting properly, you could travel for months at a time, visiting different locations all while working from your laptop.


But what exactly are you supposed to do with all your belongings while traveling? Well, we suggest placing them in a storage unit while you’re gone. One of the best ways to save money while traveling for an extended period is to sublet your apartment or find a renter for your house. Then, you can spend less each month and get a storage unit to make sure your belongings are kept safe and secure. A-Plus Super Storage offers plenty of discounts on our storage units, and with loads of amenities to choose from, you’ll feel confident that your favorite belongings are in good hands while you’re out conquering the world.


After the COVID-19 pandemic shut down travel and forced so many people to stay home, it’s only natural that the desire for travel would be through the roof now that travel restrictions are lessening. And if you’re a freelancer, you don’t have to worry about taking time off work or missing out on a paycheck while out traveling. Freelancers can travel and work at the same time, so what are you waiting for?

testTotes vs Boxes and What We recommend

Totes vs Boxes: What we Recommend for Packing

If you’ve ever moved, then you know just how stressful the process can be. And one of the things that makes moving so stressful is packing. It’s a lot of work to pack up your entire life to move. Really, even if you aren’t moving and are just downsizing or looking to declutter your home, you still have to pack things up, and that’s never fun.


Not only does packing require you to put in a fair amount of effort, but it can take a lot of time. So naturally, you want to be able to pack your things up as efficiently as possible, and that might mean you’re questioning just what to pack your stuff into. Yes, moving boxes might seem like the obvious choice, but what about plastic totes? There seem to be some advantages to using plastic totes versus boxes. So what do we recommend? Well, it’s a bit more complicated than that, because both options have their fair share of pros and cons. So, read on to see what we think the best option is!

Which is More Environmentally Friendly?

Obviously, one of the biggest draws of using a plastic tote over a regular cardboard moving box is that you can easily reuse the tote for other moves or just to put other things into storage. On the other hand, cardboard boxes can be easily recycled when you’re done with them, so it really just depends on what you’re looking for.


Cardboard boxes can be reused as well, but that typically is a little harder to do. And just because plastic storage containers seem more environmentally friendly, that doesn’t mean they are best for moving and storage. Don’t worry—we’ll get to that later. Bottom line: if being able to reuse the containers is important to you, then plastic totes might be a perfect fit! It’s a personal choice.

Which is More Cost-Effective?

As far as costs go, plastic totes and boxes almost even out in the end. Yes, plastic totes are going to cost more up-front than your standard cardboard box, but since you can reuse them over and over again, you can avoid buying more boxes in the future.


That said, cardboard boxes can actually be cheaper if you’re smart about it. You can start saving boxes you receive in the mail from packages ordered online, or even drive around and look in the dumpsters behind stores like Costco or Hobby Lobby. We know it sounds strange, but there’s nothing wrong with doing what you can to secure a good discount.


So, as far as costs go, plastic totes and boxes are pretty much the same. Which brings us to our last point: is one really better than the other for moving and storage?

Is One Better for Moving and Storage?

Yes! While plastic totes might look nicer and appeal to the logical side of you that wants to reuse them, they really aren’t the best for moving and storage. There are a few reasons for this.


First of all, boxes come in all different shapes and sizes to best suit whatever it is you’re packing up, while totes tend to be a one-size only situation. Second, because plastic totes have handles and edges, they’re harder to stack on top of each other, making it more complicated to move them and organize them in your storage unit. And while it might seem like totes are sturdier than boxes, the opposite is actually true. Totes can cave in and fall over while boxes will hold true most of the time. Finally, plastic totes can hold moisture in them more than cardboard boxes, so if you’re planning on storing something for a long period of time, a box is the way to go.


At the end of the day, it really is a personal preference on whether you want to use plastic totes or cardboard boxes for your move or while putting things in storage. While we recommend boxes, totes work great as well! Whatever you choose, though, A-Plus Super Storage is here to keep those totes or boxes safe for however long you need them stored away!

testSeniors Are Downsizing and This is Their Checklist


Even though some people might think that living in a giant home is the epitome of the American dream, that’s not true for everyone. These days, senior citizens have started to downsize as they grow older and retire, and the decision is pretty brilliant. To save money, lower property taxes, travel more, be less stressed, or just move on to the next chapter in your life, seniors aren’t the only ones downsizing. The trend is becoming increasingly popular and for good reason! But if the thought of downsizing alone is overwhelming, then you’ve come to the right place. We promise it’s not, and moreover, we’re here to help!


As more and more seniors are downsizing, what exactly, is their checklist for making the big move? Well, it turns out that the entire process is a lot less complicated than you think (especially when you rent out a storage unit). If you’re considering downsizing—regardless of your age—these simple tips can definitely help.

Go Through Your Belongings

Perhaps the first thing most seniors do, and you can do too, to make the downsizing process easier is going through all their belongings. This might seem intimidating, but it will seriously help in the long run. Take a good, hard look at all your clothes, decor items, books, movies, and whatever else you own to see if there are things you truly don’t need and that you can live without. Just take it one space at a time, and before you know it, you’ll see how much stuff you can truly part with. Once you see what you don’t need, the idea of downsizing can become a whole lot more realistic.


Additionally, this is a great opportunity to have a garage sale to get rid of extra belongings or donate them. When decluttering, you can make separate piles for items to keep, donate, sell, or simply toss. Whatever you do, this first step in the downsizing process is important and can make a big difference when you want to move into a smaller space for any and all reasons.

Have a Plan to Organize Your New Space

Even after you go through everything that you own and get rid of some things, that doesn’t mean moving into your new, smaller home will automatically go smoothly. It’s important to have a plan for how you’re going to fit everything you’ve kept into your new space. Yes, before you even start packing items away in boxes, have an idea of where everything will go in your new home.


To do this, make sure you have an accurate picture of your new home’s floor plan. Then, you can decide where you’re going to put bigger furniture items and think about what storage and organizational items you’ll need to purchase to make everything else fit. For instance, if your new bathroom lacks adequate shelves and cabinets, you might want to buy some storage shelves before moving in. Whatever the case, all seniors and anyone else going through the downsizing process can agree that having a plan before moving in is key.

Rent a Storage Unit for any Extras or Sentimental Items

Even though your goal in downsizing might be to save money, it’s still a good idea to rent out a self-storage unit for anything you want to be kept safe or put away. If you’ve found that your new, smaller home doesn’t have space for all your keepsakes or even just seasonal items you don’t use every day like heavy winter coats and holiday decorations, then a storage unit is a great idea.


Fortunately, A-Plus Super Storage regularly offers discounts on just about all of our storage units, so when you’re ready to downsize, we’ve got a safe place to put anything extra that won’t fit. Go ahead and pack away those sentimental items you want to keep secure (and climate-controlled), as well as anything else—and don’t feel bad about it! We make sure your items are taken care of and that you’re getting a great deal. You’re still downsizing when you rent a storage unit, and it’s honestly the smartest way to ensure your move goes smoothly.


No matter what reason you have for wanting to downsize, we’re here to help make that process easier. So, take a deep breath and get to organizing and planning! Once you get started, you might even have fun! Regardless, we bet that once you’ve completed this checklist, you’ll feel so much better about moving into a smaller space.

testDid the Increasing Number of Digital Nomads Really Get Rid of All Their Stuff?

As devastating as the COVID-19 pandemic has been for people all over the world, if there’s been one positive to come from the situation, it’s that more and more offices and companies have allowed their employees to work remotely. This new lifestyle has become increasingly popular among workers who want to be able to see more of the world but not give up their jobs. Known as “digital nomads,” remote workers who travel really just need a computer and internet connection to get things done, and then they can go to new places in their free time. Sounds like a dream, doesn’t it?

And while there is an increase in the number of digital nomads, did they really get rid of all their stuff? As nice as it might sound to live without too many material possessions weighing you down, is that really feasible? Well, not for everyone. And as it turns out, the digital nomad lifestyle really depends on having a good storage unit you can rely on while you’re traveling and far from home. So, if you’ve ever been curious about becoming a digital nomad and traveling the world while working remotely, then just know that it’s easier than it sounds—and it doesn’t require selling everything you own to make it work.

The Rise of Digital Nomads

As more and more people got sent home from their offices while COVID-19 was surging across the United States, no one really knew how long it would last. But as time went on, and a remote workforce became realistic, more people realized they could follow a digital nomad lifestyle.

To be a digital nomad, all you need is the option to work remotely at whatever it is you do—be that marketing, sales, or anything else—and a means to travel. You can decide to spend a week in California while taking your laptop and work along with you and using your hotel’s Wi-Fi to get your work done—and then go exploring after you’ve signed off for the day. But what exactly does that look like? And how do you keep up with your belongings at home if you’re constantly traveling?

It’s Freeing to Not be Tied Down by All Your Possessions

Part of the appeal of the digital nomad lifestyle is that you can travel and live practically anywhere, as long as you have access to the internet. Additionally, as anyone who has traveled before knows, there’s a sense of freedom that comes with not having a ton of belongings with you all the time. More than that, if you know your belongings are safe while you’re gone, you can relax and truly enjoy your time spent traveling and exploring new places.

If you’ve never traveled for an extended period before, then you might be a little confused as to how digital nomads make it work. But the short answer is that no, not every digital nomad sells all their belongings before they head out on their grand adventure. On the contrary, while they might give up their lease or sell some things, they have a great alternative to letting go of everything: renting a storage unit.

Putting Your Belongings in Storage is the Answer

Sure, some digital nomads might decide to sell everything they own (save for a few outfits, toiletries, their passport, and a laptop, of course) and hit the road. But in reality, the best way to make the lifestyle work for you is to rent a storage unit. Especially if you plan to travel for a long time and you rent out your home or give up your lease, a storage unit is a great safety net to come home to.

When you rent a storage unit, you can rest assured that all your belongings are in a safe place until you decide to come home. Additionally, you don’t have to sell anything you don’t want to, and if you rent a self-storage unit with A-Plus Super Storage, you can also choose a climate and dust-controlled unit, all at a discounted price. Packing most of your stuff away in a storage unit allows you the freedom to work and travel as much as you want with zero stress weighing you down.

If you decide that you want to try out being a digital nomad, then we say go for it! Take advantage of your remote work while you can and leave your stuff with us! It will stay safe, clean, secure, and best of all, there are plenty different-sized storage units you can choose from to make sure you’re getting the most for your money.

testAmenities to Look for When Shopping for RV Storage

As any RV owner knows, there are definitely perks to having your own recreational vehicle. You can go on long road trips with the family, camp out in super cool locations, and basically have your own home-on-the-go. No matter what you do or where you go with your RV,  it’s important to have a safe home for it when you aren’t using it. But if you’re like most people, you probably don’t happen to have a giant garage made just for your RV attached to your house. So, what are you supposed to do? Well, if you aren’t planning on using your RV for a while, it might be smart to put it in storage so you can be sure it’s safe, secure, and you don’t have to constantly worry about it. But isn’t that all expensive?


Fortunately, it doesn’t’ have to be! So, when you’re shopping around for RV storage, there are definitely things to keep in mind, other than the cost. Yes, getting a good deal is obviously important—and here at Affordable Storage we know we can get you a good deal—but it’s also important to make sure your RV will be in good hands.

A Large Enough Space is Key

It’s important to make sure that whatever storage company you choose has units large enough to accommodate your RV. After all, RVs come in many sizes, so you need to make sure yours will fit into the particular unit you’re interested in.


Fortunately, at Affordable Storage, we have several different sizes of canopy, enclosed, and open-parking RV storage. Our RV storage units range in size from 25 feet to 50 feet. Our enclosed units all have 14-foot overhead doors. This means that no matter what size RV you own, we have a unit that can safely fit it.


Before you decide which size unit to rent, you also need to remember that you don’t want your RV to barely fit in the unit. You need room to get in and out, move any belongings in and out, allow doors and storage access bays to open and steps to come down, and just to be safe and cautious. Clearly, when it comes to storing your RV for any amount of time, having a large enough storage unit is key.


Safety Measures Matter

Another important amenity to look for when shopping around for RV storage are safety precautions. At any storage facility, you want to ensure that safety measures are taken to ensure whatever you’re putting away is kept secure. And when the thing that you’re storing is an entire recreational vehicle, that becomes even more important.


At Affordable Storage, we not only have computerized gate access, but we also have camera surveillance. So, if anything were to happen, we could see what went down. But really, having these safety measures when storing something as important (and expensive) as an RV is crucial. Whether you want your RV locked away for a few months while you can’t travel or want a place to store the vehicle year-round when you’re not using it, having a solid security system in place is always a good idea.

Other Amenities to Look For

You know that it’s important to look for a good price, good safety measures, and a large enough space when you’re trying to find somewhere to store your RV. But are there any other amenities to look for when shopping for RV storage? Yes! There definitely are, and some of them might surprise you. Here are a few we offer here at Affordable Storage:

  • Dump station: Storing your RV with empty, clean tanks is crucial to avoiding unpleasant surprises the next time you’re ready to take a trip.
  • Air and water station: When you’re ready to take that next trip, ensuring proper tire inflation and filling up your fresh water tank before you leave will go a long way toward having the safest, most pleasant trip you can.
  • Staging area: The best part about RV life is being able to take your own things with you. The worst part is loading them all into the RV before you go and taking it all out when you get back. Having a staging area where you can park for loading and unloading makes that process much easier.
  • Concrete paths and roads: When you load your RV into your storage unit, concrete roads and driveways ensure that you don’t have to worry about damage being done to the vehicle. Concrete paths mean everything doesn’t get dusty when loading and unloading your RV.
  • Location, location, location: Between trips, you will inevitably find you need something at home that you left in your RV after the last journey. Having a safe, secure RV storage location that is also close by is invaluable. Fortunately, we have 10 storage locations across the Lubbock area, and three of them offer RV and boat storage, so we’ve got you covered.


Basically, we have it all, and there’s not really anything you’ll have to worry about once you decide to store your RV at Affordable Storage. Amenities are important when storing your RV, so don’t take any shortcuts. And remember that you can get all of these amenities at a great cost—you just have to know where to look!