testA-Plus Super Storage Presenting Sponsor for Communities in Schools Volleyball Tournament June 5, 2021

Lubbock, Texas (May 27, 2021) – Michael Postar’s A-Plus Super Storage, a West Texas storage company and community supporter, is the Presenting Sponsor for the Communities In Schools (CIS) 13th annual Peace Love Mud Volleyball Tournament in June. The tournament is an annual fundraising event that is open to the public. Teams of 8 will compete June 5th starting at 7:00 a.m. and have some muddy fun in the sun while raising funds to help CIS combat student dropout rates. You can find out more details about the event and register your team by viewing the tournament registration information at http://www.cissouthplains.org/mud-volleyball.

The mission of CIS is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. The objective is to prevent kids from dropping out of school by giving them the tools they need to be successful. These tools include evidence-based programs and services that address the academic, non-academic, cognitive, and social, and emotional factors that directly impact students’ ability to persist and be successful not only in school but throughout their lives. CIS serves more than 82 campuses in the Lubbock Independent School District (LISD), the greater Lubbock area (Frenship, Lubbock-Cooper, Slaton, Shallowater ISD), and throughout the South Plains (including districts as far away as Dimmitt and Plainview). A-Plus Super Storage believes in the CIS mission and is a steadfast supporter of CIS.

“Serving on the board for CIS and being a part of events like this works towards one singular goal of helping students stay in school and achieve their dreams. This organization makes that possible.” said Michael Postar, Owner of A-Plus Super Storage.


June 5, 2021 7:00am

Peace Love Mud Volleyball Tournament

Location: A-Plus Super Storage

2614 FM (130th and University), Lubbock, TX 79423

About A-Plus Super Storage

A-Plus Super Storage, in Lubbock, TX, has been locally owned and operated for over 20 years with secure storage units, RV & boat units, and shop warehouses at 5 Lubbock locations. You can now rent a storage unit online, over the phone, or curbside at any of our locations. Affordable Storage has won the Lubbock AJ’s Best of Lubbock Self-Storage award in 2020, and KCBD’s Best of the West in 2020.

For more information on how we serve the community, visit our community connections page and follow us on Facebook @aplussuperstorage